Wednesday, May 20, 2009

...telling a story with music and rhymes in syncapation...

it hits you a certain way, and that's what it means
(idk why the embedding wont work ><)


cornbread hell said...

great on so many levels. thanks.

(true story - i used the url you originally posted, watched the videos, came back to post the quote you subsequently used in replacing the url with the imbedded link..."it hits you a certain way and that's what it means.)

Mike Jaynes said...

Goddamn, that rules. I love that they had the foresight to realize rap was going to influence so much.

Voodoo Child said...

but popular rap today sucks. it's all woman-objectifying, money, drugs, and violence - being "hard."

cool video though.

Micky said...

"it is infective"
hahahaha White people.


josephine terese said...

this is so amazing. i really didn't realize how recent rap as a popular genre is!