Friday, January 2, 2009



cornbread hell said...

you know why the other rhinos didn't mind, don't you?

premature elephant-ejaculation. 11 seconds is a long standing joke in the hood.

cornbread hell said...

besides, elephants are major perverts.


"Tarra and Bella, who have become inseparable,... get very excited; Bella runs around Tarra and Tarra... touches her, pets her. Bella lies down on her back and lets Tarra pet her... Elephants are very tactile,... The two animals spend most of their time in each other’s company... When Tarra enters...Bella is right behind her... And Tarra seems intent on... Bella the way she does. ...Tarra has on occasion taken ... her trunk and carefully guided it over ...Bella."

Kacey said...