Tuesday, September 1, 2009

wedding hotel

in response to sarah's post, i figured i should post here so everyone would see it, instead of in the comments, where only everyone who cares about responses to sarah would see it.

you should book a hotel room for the wedding now if you are going to stay in the hotel lawrence. that is where ashley and rabbit, and more importantly, josephine, are staying for the wedding. there are rooms set aside for us both saturday and sunday nights (wedding on sunday) and they will only be held until the 9th of september (THAT IS IN 8 DAYS). after that, you can still get a room, but it might not be at the same price, and there won't be guaranteed rooms available for wedding guests.

if you're invited to the wedding, i sent you an email. if you didn't get it, email me at josephine (dot) bibby (at) gmail (dot) com. i'll forward you the email with all the details.

the phone number to hotel lawrence is 214-761-9090. tell them you are with the stinedurf/shepherd wedding.
you need a credit or debit card to reserve, but you can pay in any form, and not until you get there.


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