Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Address

So, I'm now totally moved out of the dorm and into my apartment. I'm pretty happy about it, even though my roommate is mehhhh. I'm particularly happy to have some of the posters from Upton back up - the Big Lebowski and Rush Hold Your Fire poster from the living room, some of the stuff from my room. I threw away that half-naked broad though.

Anyway, I wanted to post my new address for those of you who might want to write me letters and send me things (thanks Sarah, Josephine, Katie! Sorry I fail at writing back. I'll write you letters in January.) such as say, birthday cards, when I get back up here. New address is: 8864 United Lane Apt. 4, Athens, OH 45701.

Also I will be in Texas this weekend. Let us make with the feasting and the merriment!

1 comment:

Voodoo Child said...

i don't believe you. :(

but that's okay. cuz i gets lots of big huge hugs for new years!!!!!