Monday, September 1, 2008

Mission Accomplished.

Well, I made it to Athens, OH. I never want to drive again, even though Kentucky and Ohio are really pretty to drive through. Kentucky in particular was full of hilly forests that ruled my face. And driving over the Ohio River was awesome. Here's a pic I snapped right as I crossed.
I walked around campus for about an hour after I got here. The campus is huge, and pretty - reminds me of Tulane but a lot bigger. Also, downtown Athens appears to pretty much be the college. As I was turning off the highway, on a sign pointing towards Downtown, somebody had put quotes around the word, which made me chuckle. This is the dorm I'll be living in-

Looks pretty sweet, from the outside at least. Anyway, I miss the hell out of you guys already. I feel very out-of-place right now, but hopefully that'll pass soon.


cornbread hell said...

please turn the "unnecessary" quotation mark sighting to:

josephine terese said...

i'm so glad you made it and that it is actually pretty there! i didn't picture ohio as ugly, but i never really registered the fact that it is a college campus you are at, since grad school is so far off my radar.
woo hoo! book learnin'

aaron said...

i'm glad you made it there safely man, we had a pretty good send off though i think.

Sean! said...

that looks awesome. get a picture of the bed you puked in this morning.

Voodoo Child said...

You'll feel at home soon enough, but missing Nac friends and Nac activities never ends. Good luck, Mike!